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Stop wasting

time on Angular Forms! 🚀

Become extremely productive with Angular Forms, Today!


Check my course

I open-sourced it!

If you follow my content, you probably know that I invested a lot of time and energy in Angular Forms (specifically Template-driven Forms). I created an Advanced Template-driven Forms Course That uses an opinionated solution that focuses on:

  • Boilerplate less code
  • Type-safety
  • Reactivity
  • Declarative code
  • Opinionated model validations
  • Automatic validation messages translation form Vest to Angular


Get started for free!
Dominik Pieper

Dominik Pieper

Topic Lead Frontend & Solution Architect

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Brecht's Angular forms course is a must-have for Angular developers especially these who struggle with form management. It comprehensively covers everything from basic to advanced topics, including unidirectional forms and declarative logic. The real-world examples and code snippets are extremely helpful for simplifying complex form implementations. The course particularly shines in its practical approach to form management, validations, and improving Developer Experience (DX). It's an invaluable resource for enhancing form development skills in Angular.

Atreyu Haesevoets

Frontend Engineer

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We've been having problems with implementing (reactive) forms for ages. Having a lot of boilerplate code which is hard to maintain and grows exponentially with complexity.

Brecht's template driven approach has taken away most of these pains by providing a streamlined and opinionated implementation that leverages the power of Angular to do most of the heavy lifting.

Defining a form using the template, and managing it's state as part of the component is as straight forward as it gets.

Being able to separate all aspects of the form prevents different parts from intertwining with each other and keeps the code base clean and easy to understand, even in complex cases.

This approach takes away most of the headaches we've all been experiencing for a long time.